Domain transfers usually take from 5 to 7 days to be completed, depending on the previous registrar and domain TLD. Note: Some TLDs can have shorter (even instant) or longer transfer time depending on their transfer procedure.
Articles Tagged: domain transfer
How do I transfer my domain to Unlimited Hosting Hub?
Top level domains such as .com .net .org etc can be transferred easily. Note: When starting a transfer you will be charged a renewal fee, on completion of the transfer your domain will be renewed for the period selected during the checkout process, this will be on top of any existing time left on your domain. Before […]
How to get EPP code from Unlimited Hosting Hub?
An EPP code is an authorization code which is required when a registrant wants to transfer the domain to another registrar. If you have a domain registered with Unlimited Hosting Hub and want to transfer it to another registrar then you can get an EPP code of your domain from your client area itself. Following are the […]