The HTTP 404, 404 Not Found, 404, Page Not Found, or Server Not Found error message is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol standard response code, in computer network communications, to indicate that the browser was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a custom error page in cPanel.

  • Login to your cPanel using Admin details.
  • Under the Advance section, select the Error Pages icon.
  • There are several different error pages, you can customize. In this tutorial, we are going to customize the 404 error pages.
  • After clicking on 404 not found you will redirect to a new window where you can create your custom error pages. You can also use the HTML tags in your page, thus, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your website.
  • Now let’s create a custom 404 Error page.

Your custom 404-error page has been created successfully.